How To

Improve Your Life Insurance Sales Presentation

Don’t Let A Weak Presentation Kill A Sale

Don’t let a weak presentation confuse your client and kill a sale.

The first step to selling more insurance is a great presentation. That’s why it is important to learn what makes an effective life insurance sales pitch—and use that knowledge to make the best presentation to your client.

In this article you will learn key presentation strategies that will help you improve your sales pitch for selling life insurance so you can become more profitable and drive more sales.

Just having the right product for your client does not guarantee you will make the sale—you also have to communicate this value to your clients.

Not presenting a clear picture of your client’s options in a way that is easy for them to understand is a surefire way to leave your client feeling overwhelmed and confused, delaying the whole sales process, or worse, not taking any action.

Remember, it does not matter how much intelligence, talent, or skill you have. If you cannot communicate the value of your product with a great presentation, you are not going to close the sale.

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Learn how you can give the best insurance sales presentation and improve your closing ratio with these 12 tips.

12 Tips For A Successful Life Insurance Sales Presentation

  1. Get To Know Your Client
  2. Take time to understand what your clients needs, goals, and concerns are. This will help you ensure you are presenting the best insurance options, while also building a deeper relationship that will be helpful in keeping them as a long-term client. A needs analysis is required as well as a KYC, but getting to know your client on a personal level will get them to open up about their finances and goals, making it much easier to complete your due diligence.

  3. Personalize Your Presentation
  4. Create a personalized presentation for your client that takes into account their specific needs and goals. This will show that you have taken the time to consider their unique options rather than just selling them something, helping you build trust with your client. Trust is an important factor in a sale and statistics rank our industry extremely poor, so anything that helps you overcome this unseen obstacle is valuable.

  5. Turn Objections Into Selling Opportunities
  6. If your client has concerns or objections to the options you present, ask them to explain these concerns. This will help you better understand your client’s needs and guide your recommendations of insurance options so you can address these concerns.

  7. Use Visuals
  8. Presenters who use visual aids are 43% more likely to persuade their audience than those who don’t. When presenting data to your client, include a visual of the data that is easy to understand. Remember, a visual is processed by our brain 60,000 faster so a good presentation provides your client with data as well as an easy way to understand it.

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  9. Conduct a needs analysis
  10. Before you present the options to your client, conduct a needs analysis that considers exactly what they want to accomplish. Not only will this will help you decide what options are best for your client—you will also be able to clearly show your client why it is the best choice for their unique needs. Now not only does completing a needs analysis help you stay compliant, this article found that "Producers sell a lot more life insurance if they advise clients on their life insurance needs. In some cases, they can double the face amount of policies they sell compared to producers who do not provide a needs analysis." Want to get your clients involved, link them to our shared needs analysis

  11. Ask Your Client Questions
  12. Providing a concept or overview of a solution adds context to why a particular option may be the right choice for your client. Ask questions like “does this seem like a product that could achieve the goals you expressed to me?” to help guide you in finding the right fit for your client.

  13. Help Them Solve A Problem
  14. Rather than selling a product, position your thinking as though you are selling a solution. This will help you better identify which options work best for your client, and explain to them how an option meets their needs.

  15. Include Competitors
  16. A powerful concept called asymmetric dominance helps people make decisions through comparison. Do not be afraid to use your competitors’ offerings to show how alternatives compare to your recommendation. This also shows your client that they have options, and you are here to help them find the option that’s best for them.

  17. Create A Report Your Client Can Keep
  18. Often your client will need some time to think about the options before they make a decision. Creating a personalized presentation allows them to take your recommendations with them. Ensure this includes a way your client can get in touch with you if they need more information.

  19. Highlight The Benefits
  20. When you are presenting options to your client, clearly outline how and why these options benefit them. This will help your client see why you are recommending a particular option and help ease any objections or concerns they may have.

  21. Use Consistent Branding
  22. Branding goes way beyond just a pretty logo. It improves your recognition, conveys your mission values, and makes it easier for referral clients to recognize you. Branding adds consistency to your reports. You may already be aware of the importance of branding for your business—however, it is just as important in your pitch. Clients often get confused when their advisor does a Manulife needs analysis, pairs it with a Canada life concept, and then illustrates an Empire product. Your presentation material should be consistent with your brand.

  23. Follow Up After The Presentation
  24. Reach out to your client several days after the presentation to follow up with any additional information or to ask if they have any questions. Keeping the lines of communication open can help increase the chances of closing a sale. Use a program like Life Design Analysis that lets you know when your clients open the report so you can follow up at the right time.

Make Selling Even Easier With Life Design Analysis

LDA can help you sell even more with our life insurance presentation software that searches, compares, and produces custom visual reports of any life insurance product in seconds.

Sign up for a free account today!

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