Sales Concept

Get Warm Targeted Inbound Insurance Leads

One of the best ways to generate more targeted inbound leads is to use Life Design Analysis case sharing and combine it with an email campaign.

This strategy can be used with virtually any insurance concept. In the video example, we use cascading life insurance for a grandchild. However, it could just as easily be done as a charitable giving campaign or a term conversion campaign. The sky (and your imagination) are the limit!

Here is what you need:

  1. Life Design Analysis Premier Account (sign up for a free trial)
  2. Mailer platform (such as MailChimp or a CRM)

Step 1

Set up your concept case in Life Design Analysis. Once you create your account and personalize it with your logo and preferred colour options, it's time to create your concept case. This can be any kind of insurance concept but remember to keep it fairly generic and high level as you will be sharing it with a diverse audience. (If your quote is a specific age make sure you set appropriate disclaimers to let everyone know different pricing may apply to them.)

Step 2

Once your concept case is created, generate a shared case link and set the case to require first name and last name to view it. Once you have updated the permissions, copy the unique link to the case (you will use this in step 3).

Step 3

Set up your email campaign. If you have a CRM, choose a template and include a picture that relates to your concept. Images help the audience pay more attention. If you don't have a mail platform, you may want to consider a free MailChimp account (we can even provide you with a MailChimp template that will help you get up to speed quickly). In your email, you will want to explain the concept and why it is valuable to your clients. Put a call to action to view an example case and link to the shared case in Step 2. You can also add a call to action to contact you for more info.

Step 4

Once your mailer is perfected you are ready to send to your client and prospect list. When they view the shared case they will have to log in to view the case and LDA will send you a notification. This lets you know who is interested in this concept and how engaged they are. Follow up on those leads that are the most engaged.

That's it! If you want to see this in action, take a look at our video up top and start your 30 day free trial today! If you have any questions, contact us to find out more.