Sales Concept

Get More Warm Inbound Insurance Leads

Get more inbound leads from your social efforts

Prospecting is changing in our increasingly digital world and a big part of the way we communicate and share ideas or market our services are now done through social media. Historically advisors and other b-c businesses may have employed a cold calling strategy as a big part of their marketing plan to attract and engage with new clientele. However, the response to a cold call today might yield less than favourable results.

While cold calling may not completely dead, you might have better success turning cold leads from social media into buying clients. At very least you can build rapport with "cold" clients via social content, that way when you do pick up the phone your prospect might already be familiar with your brand.

The key to this strategy is content. As they say content is king! Now not just any content will do, we need content that engages your target audience nurtures them by providing real education and engagement. Information that helps in their life insurance purchase decision.

Forbes put together this article on the top 15 tips for advisors that covers some great basics.

I agree with most of the article however not entirely around the "no pitching product". I think for a successful social strategy you absolutely need to strike a balance between pushing product and nurturing your audience, however, I think there is a way to use the product to educate your clients and make them aware of a concept or strategy. Let me give you a few examples of where a product can be used as a way to generate leads from social.


Cascading Life

A Cascading Life Insurance (free template) concept is a great way to show parents and grandparents how they can help protect their kids/grandkids and create a tax-efficient savings vehicle at the same time. I like this concept as the insured age is generally consistent so there is not much variation in values from your concept case and there are a lot of pro's and external articles you can use as a follow-up.

Charitable Giving Campaign

A Charitable Giving Campaign (free template) is another great concept that you can use to generate interest around this underutilized way of gifting. There are so many financial advantages to this strategy you can include in the report note and articles of successful execution of this strategy that you can link to. If you find you have reached the stage of your business or have acquired a block of business where clients are reducing coverage or not having the need for it you may want to think about this campaign to create awareness.

Term Conversion

A Term Conversion Campaign (free template) is a great way to substantially generate more revenue from your existing clients. Many clients have no idea how powerful the conversion privilege is in their existing contract or how much their renewals will increase. Think about creating a custom report concept that contains information on what a term conversion is and then create a sample client that represents a somewhat average client age for your practice. Make the call to action for your clients to request their own review. Be sure to check our article on How to review an existing term policy

Mix it up

As mentioned in the Forbes article it's important to strike a balance between product and other elements so by segmenting your content and scheduling the different themes you keep your audience engaged.

One-day post office culture photos that show the people behind your band. On Friday post a funny article. The goal should be to have content that has a different message at different times of the day. Some posts will be funny, some will be informative. With the right balance advisors can still highlight how their products can solve a need without being too sales heavy.

Want more tools and strategies to make your social media efforts more successful? Check out our blog on how to turn your agency into a money-making machine 

How to share concepts

One of the best ways to generate these persona's or cases studies is with the sharing feature in Life Design Analysis and combine it with a social media campaign.

This strategy can be used with virtually any insurance concept (like the 3 listed above). In the video at the top of the page, I use a simple Term Conversion scenario. However, it could be any life insurance concept you can think of. Keep it high level and leave custom report notes and callouts to further explain key points of the concept and the sky and your imagination are the limit!

Remember when using a shared case to specify the option to collect your prospects first and last names as well as email.

Shared case

In the industry we call this "gated content", by creating a gate we capture prospects information and get notified of who is viewing the concept, how long they look at the report even what pages they spent the most time on. This helps us to focus our follow up efforts with the right people. Think about pairing your concept presentation with a link to an independent article that further reinforces the strategy or uses this as a way to follow up on the leads you collect.

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