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How I Won The Sale

One of my favourite parts of our business is hearing success stories from our advisors. I love hearing how they used LDA to enhance the sales experience or how they finally overcame a client objection and were able to successfully communicate the value of insurance when previous attempts had been unsuccessful.

This gave me the idea to share some of these success stories in hopes that our subscribers' experiences may generate new ideas and sales opportunities for you as well. If you would like to share your own experience please contact us.

The Stubborn Client


An advisor reached out to our support team wanting to get a second pair of eyes on a report they were creating for a particularly stubborn client. This client was a business owner with a problem—A good problem. They had made too much money in the business and had to transition that business to their two sons and one daughter. The issue was they had somehow gotten the idea from the internet they could keep buying term insurance and investing the difference.

They knew their client was going to need the insurance to transition the business and pay the government but there was no guarantee they would still have the term insurance in force or that their investments would yield enough after taxes to make this a viable strategy.


Our advisor, wanted to show the client the risk they were taking with this assumption. We wanted to set up an ironclad presentation that would contain a 3rd party article from a reputable source on why this strategy was risky. We also wanted to run the numbers for the client to show what kind of returns would be needed to match the investment, assuming the client was healthy enough to keep repurchasing term.

For this presentation we used a custom report note, our term reissue  metric and our buy term invest the difference report component.

I have created a similar example case to show you what was presented. However, if you want to find out how you can use our by term invest the difference with this resource article, we included as a link in the report.

buy term


The results were positive. The client's eyes were opened not only to the fact that term insurance expires but also how much it increased in cost even if one remains healthy. The client appreciated the advisor showed that even with the most conservative assumptions, whole life was a better vehicle than term and alternative investment. Ultimately, the advisor makde the sale. It resulted in $26,510.00 of premium income and paid for this advisors subscription for roughly 25 years!.

The Procrastinator


The live chat notification rang throughout the office late Thursday afternoon. Our advisor had seen our January Webinar that included the cost of waiting. The chat read:

"I have a client I need to show the cost of waiting to. How long does it take to get signed up?"

"We have a Free 30-Day Trial (with no credit card on sign up)."

We had our advisor set up in minutes, even got their logo uploaded in the process. The situation was simple—Our advisor had a client who clearly had a need and ability and expressed the desire to purchase whole life as part of a retirement strategy but was getting cold feet when it came to writing a cheque of that size for "life insurance."


Our advisor used what we call a cost of waiting presentation to highlight not only how much more it would cost the client in the future, but also how much later in life the cash value would accumulate and, as a result, impacting part of the retirement plan. For the presentation, we simply added the product we were suggesting buying today and compared it against what it would cost at an increased age. We offset the number of years to highlight when the cash value would accumulate right next to the difference so that it was obvious how much money was being left on the table by waiting.

Here is the report similar to what the advisor used.

cost of waiting

As you can see, the client had a net cash value gain of $269,746.00 and insurance benefit gain of $441,484.00 by age 70!


On seeing the cumulative impact that waiting two or three years had on the value of the policy, the client was motivated to take action. As a result, now has protection and had the discipline to stick to their retirement strategy. The premium income to the advisor would have been around $23,000.00 (our advisor jokes with us that it will cover LDA for 20+ years).

If you want to set up your own cost of waiting scenario, please read our article on the cost of waiting. We also illustrate this in our January Webinar if you want to see this live.

The Price Shopper


I think every advisor has come across this one. A client convinced the more they shop around, the more they will get off their life insurance. Perhaps this is a conditioning from the fast-paced world of property casualty insurance. Who knows? What we do know is that this client wants value in everything they purchase. This can seem frustrating at first but can work in your favour.

Our advisor came across a lead on their website from a client shopping the market for "the cheapest term 10 they could find for their mortgage." They had clearly been to other brokers trying to get a sense of what products the advisor could offer. Our advisor wanted to take the smoking gun from the client's hand and offered to show their client over a web meeting how they could find the best products to fit their needs for them. When the advisor got the client on the call, they showed how (with our LifeGuide integration) they could rank the entire market to find the most affordable company or product that was easiest to underwrite. The client was hooked.


Ask us about our exclusive discount for LifeGuide Subscibers!


The report was built live. At first, it was a Term 10 added. However, the advisor said that with a mortgage of 25 years you may want to consider longer-term products Adding a T25 to the report. When the advisor showed the T25 they could sense the premium was just too much so they also used our  term exchange feature to show that if they went with the T10, for now, they could exchange with no med for a T20 at the 5th year.

Find an example of this report here!


The result was a T10 sale and a new client. Our advisor had successfully acquired a paying customer from a lead on their website. This was a customer with an interest to convert later. Not all sales on LDA have to be big whole life policies. There are many ways you can use our software to attract new customers. This one case still resulted in enough premium income to cover the advisors LDA subscription for the year and we are told by the advisor this client came back and bought insurance for their spouse too!

Want more ideas on how to present insurance solutions? Check out our blog on 7 Ways to Present Insurance Solutions

The Engineer


The engineer is an analyzer who wants to thoroughly stress test every option you present. (Take my word for it. I used to work for a magnesium diecasting firm.) Our advisor wanted suggestions and came to us on how to approach this type of client. We suggested deploying a strategy using asymmetrical dominance and the MESO strategy.

We set up a report with three suitable options at different price points. All would accomplish the goal of having insurance until retirement but in different ways. The idea was that any option would work. The client just wanted to find the most efficient use of capital. Our IRR calculation was critical in this situation as it levelled the playing field and showed that even though the PUA Whole life was more expensive, it provided a stronger IRR (i.e. greater efficiency), which appealed to our engineers way of thinking. He was used to paying more for superior materials that would have a longer lifetime value.


The presentation was straightforward. We gave 3 options:

Option 1: Minimum Funded Universal Life for the Base. Term 10 and 20 Riders designed to lapse at their renewal.

Option 2: Enhanced Whole Life for the Base. Term 10 and 20 Riders designed to lapse at their renewal.

Option 3: PUA Whole Life for the Base. Term 10 and 20 Riders designed to lapse at their renewal.

The idea was no matter what we showed, we had different price points and different value propositions. However, the focus was going to be the IRR to show the efficiency. We wanted to highlight that the permanent insurance could always be reduced but that extracting cash from an insurance policy was also a very efficient way retirement income could be created since one of the objections was that insurance would not be needed past retirement.


 Here is a representation of the report that was used 


The result of this one surprised even the agent. The client in question went with the most expensive option. They saw the value in the PUA insurance and loved the idea of using it as a loan in the future to fund some of the active years of retirement and effectively reducing the coverage but also gaining a tax advantage. The result was $10,000 in commission. Our advisor tells us that the engineer also sent 3 of his partners to see our advisor, proving there is more value in communication with your clients than just the initial premium income. Getting referrals can be just as valuable to your bottom line.


In Conclusion, if you equip yourself with the right tools, you are in a better position to handle any objection and ultimately communicate a solution to your clients. If you want to save time, increase sales and make compliance easier Sign Up for our Free Trial Today! 

If you want help with a concept you have seen, book a training session with Jonathan or Nikolas from our support staff to see how Life Design Analysis can help your practice (just click on their names to book some time with them!)