
August 2022 Webinar - How to Nurture an Insurance Lead Campaign

How to Nurture an Insurance Lead Campaign

Join us on August 25th for a fire-side discussion between Senior Account Executive Jon Jarvie and Co-found and CEO of HeyAdvisor, Emily Reed. Emily joins Jon as they will talk about how to nurture insurance lead campaigns using a Life Event, such as buying a home or having a child, as the catalyst for searching for life insurance.

Jon has been with Life Design Analysis for 5 years. He works with all levels of distribution, from MGA's, Major Carriers, Independent Wealth Managers, Banks, and many local Insurance brokerages. He's excited to provide insight into the many parts that make up the LDA platform.

Emily Reed has been working in the financial industry for over 10 years. She has held various positions including an associate financial advisor for a high-net-worth advisory business as well as the customer success officer for a Canadian WealthTech company. Emily is currently the CEO and co-founder of HeyAdvisor, a platform that provides white-labeled educational content that advisors can leverage to educate their clients.

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